oppress vs repress vs suppress

  'v.탄압하다, 억압하다' 라는 뜻으로 사용될 때, oppress는 힘이나 권력, 권한으로 누군가를 압박하고 탄압한다는 뜻이 강합니다. repress는 욕망, 감정 행동, 눈물등을 억누른다는 뉘앙스가 강하고, suppress는 앞의 두개에 비해서 더 넓은 의미로 사용됩니다.

Example Sentences

Madison, in particular, worried that a majority might oppress minorities and that elected representatives might legislate out of "passion". [The Economist]
They tout arguments about the existence of a monarchy being a root cause of oppression, economic decline, and no doubt soon global warming. [Telegraph]

I have come to believe that seasoned reporters seem to somehow repress their natural instincts. [The Age]
Anger, especially in men, is often an undiagnosed sign of depression and repressed grief that needs a healthy expression and healing. [National Review]

There is no evidence he has falsified or suppressed data. [Washington Post]
Several candidates have complained their ridings are being targetted to annoy voters and possibly suppress the vote on election day.

Reference Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Korean Dictionary


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